Thursday, July 21, 2011

Comparison VMware ESXi and VMware Server -

(Embedded image moved to file: pic00378.gif)

Right side relies on OS, for resource mgmt and IO.
ESXi runs on baremetal and high performance.

Difference between VMware ESX and ESXi

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(Embedded image moved to file: pic03065.gif)(Embedded image moved to file:
(Embedded image moved to file: pic19315.gif)
(Embedded image moved to file: pic03905.gif)

Monday, July 18, 2011

Vmware converter to install a VM a local/remote server

When there is a need to convert an image that is in a different format to a
VM ware compatible format, then use the VM ware converter.

This tools needs a license.

(Embedded image moved to file: pic02159.gif)

(Embedded image moved to file: pic25630.gif)

(Embedded image moved to file: pic21171.gif)

Provide the destination IP and password on to which you will install the
new VM and this tool will install the image .

(Embedded image moved to file: pic21408.gif)

Friday, July 15, 2011

HTML Perl CGI : Sample HTML-Post processing in Perl/CGI


<form name="ntse" action="cgi-bin/" method="post">

<b> What is that you want to generate : </b>
<INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="question_type" value="division" />
Division <BR>

Number of questions : <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="number_of_questions"
value="1" width="5" size="8" /> <BR>
Level of questions : &nbsp; &nbsp
<select name="question_level">
<option>Easy </option>
<option>Medium </option>
<option>Hard </option>
</select> <br>
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit" >

Perl Code

--------- Perl Code to test the html code above. ------------
# Include the location of the CGI libraries.
# For processing the HTTP requests.
use lib '/cygdrive/c/Downloads/perllib/CGI/lib';
use CGI;
use strict;
my $question_count = 1;
my %validation_map ;

my $q = CGI->new;
print $q->header ();
print $q->start_html ( -title=>'This is a test page',
-author=>'Your name kiran' );

# Process an HTTP request

my @page_question_type = $q->param('question_type');
my $number_of_questions = $q->param('number_of_questions');
my $question_level = $q->param('question_level');

print ("number of questions = $number_of_questions <br> ");
print ("question_level = $question_level <br> ");
print ("question_type = @page_question_type <br> ");
# Just check that thefirst letter is in Caps coming in.
#if ( $language eq "Kannada" ) {
# printf ( " kannada chosen\n");
# } elsif ( $language eq "Hindi" ) {
# printf ( " Hindi\n");
# } else {
# print ( "Other language \n");
# }
for ( 1..$number_of_questions ) {

printf ( int ( rand (10 )) . "<BR>");

print $q->end_html ();

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Creating storage on VM and locating it using putty

On a VM, if a data store is already created. and if you need create your
own folder to locate it from command line : Look at the example below:
Below there are 2 datastores, if you need to create a folder on
"datastore2". right click on "datastore2" -> Browse DataStore ->
(Embedded image moved to file: pic19430.gif)

(Embedded image moved to file: pic19850.gif)
Create a new folder ->

(Embedded image moved to file: pic22010.gif)

(Embedded image moved to file: pic26972.gif)

(Embedded image moved to file: pic17185.gif)
(Embedded image moved to file: pic18375.gif)
Now, seek the folder you just created - In this example I created a folder
called isdmstore and you will see it below.
(Embedded image moved to file: pic23875.gif) RAR Extraction Utility.

This is useful for extracting files that end with .rar extension.

This link offers both Linux and Windows extraction bundles.

(Embedded image moved to file: pic13540.gif)

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Installation of VMware Workstation ( 7.1 )

VM ware workstation:

Installation of VMWare workstation. This lets you install multiple OSs like
Windows and Linux OS on it.

I chose the 32 bit installation.

(Embedded image moved to file: pic13992.gif)

Login and Vmware -> Downloads -> VMware workstation and create/register if
you have not , and select the location where you want to download the
The Download Manager starts downloading, ( or sometimes it asks you to
allow the installation - then Install the Download Installer plugin and
start the D/L. )
it is about 572 Meg

(Embedded image moved to file: pic20477.gif)

- Launch, and start the installation .

- SKIP the Installation of License Key ( since it is optional) , Click

- Restart the server.

- You should now see Start -> Programs -> VMware -> VMPlayer ( if the
installation was successful )

- (Embedded image moved to file: pic01527.gif)

String Matching in Perl and reporting and creating an Unique id.

The Perl

How to convert a UNIX Date and Time to a readable 9 digit tele phone OR use it as an Unique ID.

1312744885  to 131-274-4885

This gets the time in UNIX format.

my $question_id=time;

&print_questions_id ($question_id);

This prints the same number like a telephone number in the US - ( also like a genuine ID )

--------------- Sub Routine --------
sub print_questions_id () {

  my ( $id ) = @_;
  for ( 1..120 ) {
  printf ( "&nbsp;" );

  #printf (" <font size=\"5\"> ID: $id  </font> <br>" );

  #my $newid = sprintf ("%6.6s", $id );
  #printf (" <font size=\"5\"> ID: $newid  </font> <br>" );

  my $right  = substr   ($id, 6);
  my $middle = substr  ($id, 4, 3 );
  my $left   = substr    ($id, 0, 3);

  printf (" <font size=\"5\"> ID: $left-$middle-$right  </font> <br>" );


Example: Changing a String's Value

Frequently, I find that I need to change part of a string's value, usually somewhere in the middle of the string. When this need arises, I turn to the substr() function. Normally, the substr() function returns a sub-string based on three parameters: the string to use, the position to start at, and the length of the string to return.

$firstVar = substr("0123BBB789", 4, 3);  print("firstVar  = $firstVar\n"); 

This program prints:

firstVar = BBB 

The substr() function starts at the fifth position and returns the next three characters. The returned string can be printed like in the above example, as an array element, for string concatention, or any of a hundred other options.

Things become more interesting when you put the substr() function on the left-hand side of the assignment statement. Then, you actually can assign a value to the string that substr() returns.

$firstVar = "0123BBB789";  substr($firstVar, 4, 3) = "AAA";  print("firstVar  = $firstVar\n"); 

This program prints:

firstVar = 0123AAA789


Special Characters Inside the Square Brackets

As we've already seen, a hyphen is used to indicate all characters in the colating sequence between the character on the hyphen's left and the character on its right.

An uparrow (^) at immediately following the opening square bracket means "Anything but these characters", and effectively negates the character class. For instance, to match anything that is not a vowel, do this:

if($string =~ /[^AEIOUYaeiouy]/){print "This string contains a non-vowel"} Contrast to this: if($string !~ /[AEIOUYaeiouy]/){print "This string contains no vowels at all"}

Best Uses of Character Classes

Print all people whose name begins with A through E if($string =~ m/^[A-E]/)
  {print "$string\n"} If character classes are giving you quirky results, consider using groups!

Matching: Putting it All Together

Print everyone whose last name is Clinton, Bush or Reagan. Each element of list is first name, blank, last name, and possibly more blanks and more info after the last name. Study this til you understand it. if($string =~ m/^\S+\s+(Clinton|Bush|Reagan)/i)
  {print "$string\n"}; Print every line with a valid phone number. if($string =~ m/[\)\s\-]\d{3}-\d{4}[\s\.\,\?]/)
  {print "Phone line: $string\n"};


Between the % and the format letter, you may specify several additional attributes controlling the interpretation of the format. In order, these are:

  • format parameter index

    An explicit format parameter index, such as 2$. By default sprintf will format the next unused argument in the list, but this allows you to take the arguments out of order:

    1. printf '%2$d %1$d', 12, 34; # prints "34 12"
    2. printf '%3$d %d %1$d', 1, 2, 3; # prints "3 1 1"
  • flags

    one or more of:

    1. space prefix non-negative number with a space
    2. + prefix non-negative number with a plus sign
    3. - left-justify within the field
    4. 0 use zeros, not spaces, to right-justify
    5. # ensure the leading "0" for any octal,
    6. prefix non-zero hexadecimal with "0x" or "0X",
    7. prefix non-zero binary with "0b" or "0B"

    For example:

    1. printf '<% d>', 12; # prints "< 12>"
    2. printf '<%+d>', 12; # prints "<+12>"
    3. printf '<%6s>', 12; # prints "< 12>"
    4. printf '<%-6s>', 12; # prints "<12 >"
    5. printf '<%06s>', 12; # prints "<000012>"
    6. printf '<%#o>', 12; # prints "<014>"
    7. printf '<%#x>', 12; # prints "<0xc>"
    8. printf '<%#X>', 12; # prints "<0XC>"
    9. printf '<%#b>', 12; # prints "<0b1100>"
    10. printf '<%#B>', 12; # prints "<0B1100>"

    When a space and a plus sign are given as the flags at once, a plus sign is used to prefix a positive number.

    1. printf '<%+ d>', 12; # prints "<+12>"

Friday, July 8, 2011

ssh key generation - so that we can login to remote servers ( incomplete)

(Embedded image moved to file: pic11976.gif)

cd .ssh folder

(Embedded image moved to file: pic21174.gif)

Copy to remote server.

(Embedded image moved to file: pic31004.gif)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Installation of VMware Player

I. Google Vmware Player - Download

Click on Download

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II. Go to this page - register if you have not.

(Embedded image moved to file: pic18388.gif)

Download the version for Windows or Linux which ever you want to install it

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Installation of VMware Player

Vmware Player - Download

Download the version for Windows or Linux which ever you want to install it

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